Through the development of our ‘Digital Education Pathways’ Onboard Maritime has taken an innovative approach to online learning which differentiates it from other public and private online education providers in the sector.
The past two years have seen an increased focus on online learning as maritime educational institutions pivoted from teaching in a physical classroom to providing a remote learning offering, however, this still relies on individuals attending a session in person or watching a recording of a lecture. The current private online learning provision continues to be focussed on computer-based training programmes aimed at specific skills or competence training, delivered, and assessed with no human interaction.
Our ‘Digital Education Pathways’ have been designed to recognise the shift in the role of the teacher and use different technologies and communication methods to deliver learning opportunities which cross boundaries and time zones while creating communities of practices amongst users.
The result? A learning platform which recognises the diverse nature of the maritime industry, the career challenges that maritime professionals face and provides opportunities to further their professional development.
An example from our portfolio which supports the innovation track to positively impact crews is our Digital Microlearning Modules for seafarer education and professional advancement. Research has proven that microlearning’s targeted, laser-like focus helps users to absorb, retain and recall information better than longer format training does.
In response to this, Onboard Maritime have designed a suite of Digital CPD in the form of microlearning opportunities for vessels. The benefits of this include:
Learning over time rather than in a focused session improves long-term retention of learning.
A flexible delivery model that can be accessed both online and offline.
Demonstrating STCW competencies in real-life case studies and lessons learned.
Short, focused modules that don’t impact the operational schedule of the officers.
Evidence of ongoing CPD for vessel audit purposes.
Topics aligned to STCW competencies and OCIMF Navigational Assessment topics.
We currently offer the following 12 Navigation Modules (recognised by the Nautical Institute):
ECDIS & Grounding
AIS & Collision
Emergencies at Sea
Heavy Weather
Keeping a Safe Navigational Watch
Equipment Failure and Towage
Narrow Channels and Hydrodynamics
Piracy and Stowaways
Situational Awareness and Collision
Weather and Passage Planning
Cognitive Overload
Search and Rescue
With our CPD microlearning modules, we designed a suite of online learning topics that can be delivered onboard a vessel with limited bandwidth. This was challenging as we had to ensure the learning remained effective, engaging and deliverable in the shipboard environment. These are now being successfully delivered on clients’ vessels which has had a positive impact on their crew and aids for audit purposes.
Developing useful and effective CPD modules is a core objective of our business and we are nearing completion of the next 12 modules. We look forward to launching these in due course.
Find out more about our CPD modules – contact